Saturday, February 7, 2009

Google User Experience

Ten principles that contribute to a Googley user experience
  1. Ten principles that contribute to a Googley user experience

  2. Every millisecond counts.
  3. Simplicity is powerful.

  4. Engage beginners and attract experts.

  5. Dare to innovate.
  6. Design for the world.

  7. Plan for today's and tomorrow's business.

  8. Delight the eye without distracting the mind.

  9. Be worthy of people's trust.

  10. Add a human touch.

Google doesn't know everything, and no design is perfect. Google products ask for feedback, and Google acts on that feedback. When practicing these design principles, the Google User Experience team seeks the best possible balance in the time available for each product. Then the cycle of iteration, innovation, and improvement continues.

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